FFC Mode

History of FFC Mode

Ein seit fast 30 Jahren bestehendes Unternehmen aus Meerbusch: FFC. 1998 gründete Hans Ulrich Fasel die FFC GmbH, eine Deutsche Firma mit jeder Menge Passion. So strahlt die Mode eine große Vielfalt im Design aus, ebenso wie Klasse und Qualität.

FFC Mode

Hier sind nicht nur modische Frauen Kundinnen, sondern auch solche, die gewisse Ansprüche an ihre Mode haben. Qualität und modische Designs müssen sich nicht ausschließen und so arbeitet das Team von FFC mit viel Leidenschaft, Kreativität und Individualität an der kommenden Kollektion. Der Fokus liegt dabei definitiv auf Mode aus Strick/Cashmere, allerdings in zeitgemäßer Ausführung. 

Fasel Fashion Consulting legt den Fokus auf Kreativität, also auf ausgefallene und dennoch modische Bekleidungsstücke. Dabei kratzen die Kollektionen immer am Puls der Zeit und punkten mit hochwertiger und einer einzigartigen Qualität. So entstehen modische Pullover für die kühle Jahreszeit, Strickjacken, Shirts und Schals.

Vor allem die Mode aus Cashmere soll auf einzigartige Weise umgesetzt werden, trendsicher und unkompliziert. Und das passend zu jeder Saison und immer wieder aufs Neue, denn FFC hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, sich immer wieder neu zu erfinden und dennoch seinen eigenen Maßstäben treu zu bleiben.

The company's own raw materials and premises are located in China, from where they ensure the flow of production. This also guarantees the high quality of the products. This is the basis for fair prices despite high quality. Even the processing of finest cashmere yarn from Mongolia remains in the house of FFC.

The various production facilities are constantly being expanded and equipped with innovative components. Of course, always with professional experts and employees in the background, whose commitment can be seen in high-quality women's fashion.

FFC dress?

Feel a high-quality piece of cashmere on your skin - a feeling that stylish and fashion-conscious ladies appreciate. Quality and fair production conditions go hand in hand when it comes to top-class fashion that touches the heart. A motto that only a few labels are able to implement skilfully. Well-known and popular is for example the FFC dress.

FFC Mode stands for elegant knitwear and fine cashmere trends, produced in international production facilities - successfully for 30 years. A brand that gives your customers the feeling of real beauty and that certain something with high-quality and fairly produced fashion.

What makes the fashion of Fasel Fashion Consulting special?

When you choose FFC fashion, you are not buying an ordinary dress or a traditional knitted sweater in the online shop. It's all about individuality, classic elegance and a look that appeals to self-confident and fashion-conscious women - since 1998.

Owner Hans Ulrich Fasel embodies with his label from Meerbusch uncomplicated designs, which are made of selected materials and meet the high quality standards of an established luxury brand.

An international network, with its headquarters in Germany, enables the high quality production of flawless, timeless and popular fashion pieces.

FFC cashmere sweater?

Fine knitwear and stylish cashmere pieces are the result of the careful processing of the high-quality raw material. This includes first-class cashmere yarn from Mongolia, which is specially selected for the production of the elegant fashion pieces.

There is a good reason why FFC combines the production of women's fashion with cashmere. The soft and very fine fibres are not only very popular, they also have excellent thermal insulation, are dirt and odour repellent and have a high tear resistance.

Cashmere is noble and is one of the softest noble wools - and has been for more than 1000 years, although the steps in the production of clothing have hardly changed. The products are still processed by hand, as machines or mechanical processes would destroy them.

FFC has taken up this challenge and uses the advantages of cashmere for itself. The soft and flowing qualities lie gently on the skin and radiate their own elegance, perfect for the fashion-conscious woman.  

The stylish FFC sweaters of the label are suitable for almost every occasion: business, fine evenings with friends or a festive occasion.

Discreet styles and timelessly beautiful designs provide the right amount of elegance without being bulky - the quality of the sweaters and fine shirts is tangible and visible.

A variety of styles for an elegant look

Whether it's a casual oversize jumper, an elegant half-sleeved cardigan or the simple, wool-white shirt with a silk back - each piece adapts harmoniously to the wearer's body and gives her a very special look. The simple, stylish and classic fashion perfectly complements your collection.

FFC's garments are real "favourites", because you can see the thoughtful and loving production and processing. So we find fashionable spring colours with soft rosé tone and mint green summer dresses with eye-catching cut.

Popular patterns such as flowers, dots or stripes are skilfully incorporated and make dresses, knee-length transition coats, ¾ trousers and cardigans, modern and unusual. The clear cuts and special details are particularly eye-catching.

For example, a grey cardigan with a small leather strap is held together at chest height and a white blouse is put together in a straight line by an attached skirt. Both combined with each other result in a classic and stylish look.

Made for elegant, trend-conscious ladies who do not want to miss quality and high-class optics in their everyday life. You like it comfortable and especially casual, but still want to score with a noble look? A fine cardigan or a hoodie from Fasel Fashion Consulting will fulfil this wish in an uncomplicated way.

It does not have to be cheap quality or mass-produced goods if you can instead purchase fashion that touches you authentically, warms your body and is characterized by unique fabrics.

Buy FFC fashion online at Dittrich Minden

Fine knitwear and elegant cashmere pieces warm the heart of every woman who loves special fashion and does not want to do without the best quality.

The label from Meerbusch vouches for this: The brand designs timeless classics, uncomplicated and yet individual.

In the online shop of Dittrich Minden you will also find current collections, popular brands and unique fashion trends. Here you will find the right favourite piece for every taste - by the way, also in our boutique in Minden!

Risk-free shopping with Dittrich

Customers enjoy an exclusive customer service. Please call us if you have any questions or suggestions. We will deal with your request personally. Would you like to return the goods? Fair return conditions facilitate this step.

Within Germany we also ship your order free of charge. Decide now for your new sweater made of high-quality cashmere or a new heart made of best knitwear!